Napolitano Stefano / Nardi Luca - profil

Napolitano Stefano 

Napolitano Stefano

Country: Italy
Height / Weight: 196 cm / 90 kg
Age: 29 (11. 4. 1995)
Current/Highest rank - singles: 125. / 125.
Current/Highest rank - doubles: 1571. / 182.
Plays: right
Nardi Luca 

Nardi Luca

Country: Italy
Age: 20 (6. 8. 2003)
Current/Highest rank - singles: 72. / 70.
Current/Highest rank - doubles: 1396. / 299.
Plays: right
  • Next match
Tournament Round Start Match H A
 Hertogenbosch R16 11.06. 10:00 Napol / Nardi - Barri / Cabra 5.94 1.10
Year Round
This doubles team takes part in the tournament for the first time.

Doubles team's record

Year Summary Clay Hard Indoors Grass Not set
Summary: 1/1 1/1 - - - -
2022 1/1 1/1 - - - -
  • Titles
Year Main tournaments Lower level tournaments
No titles